BlackHat Proposal Guide - How to submit a Proposal on debug console

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BlackHat Proposal Guide - How to submit a Proposal on debug console

Post by AlexBlackHat »

Before submitting any proposal you need to read BlackHat Budget Pre-Proposal Submission Guidelines

Proposal submitting fee: 50 BLKC
These coins will be burned for the proposal submitting and they will never returned even if your proposal will not be funded!

The proposal submitting process is completed in the Debug Console.

For GUI wallet go to Settings -> Debug -> Console
For CLI (command line interface) just use usual blkc-cli binary executable to perform commands

STEP 1 - Preliminary preparations

Obtain the next super block (<starting block> needed in commands below). It's a block number of next treasury payout.
You can find it on the official explorer:
or execute a command in the console:

Code: Select all

Record this block number as it will be used in the next commands.

Obtain the forum link of your proposal (<info link> in commands below). Make sure you moved your proposal topic from Pre-Proposal Discussions to Budget & Governance Proposals forum thread.

STEP 2 - Prepare Budget

Fill out the values of the command and execute it:

Code: Select all

preparebudget <name of proposal> <info link> <how many payments> <starting block> <payment address> <Amount per payment>
Record the resulting hash (it will be used as <preparation hash> in the command below).

STEP 3 - Submit Budget

Fill out the values of the command and execute it:

Code: Select all

submitbudget <name of proposal> <info link> <how many payments> <starting block> <payment address> <amount per payment> <preparation hash>
The command submit the budget proposal and return vote hash which is used to vote on the proposal.
To vote YES:

Code: Select all

mnbudgetvote many <vote hash> yes
To vote NO:

Code: Select all

mnbudgetvote many <vote hash> no
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